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RIFF 2016 - International Seminar  


Date : 17th - 20th JAN. 2016

Venue : Chamber Bhawan, Ajmeri Gate, M.I. Road, Jaipur



About the International Seminar:


There isn’t a doubt about the fact that each aspect of society is connected with its members more or less! Looking at the cinema, it will come to be known that the concerns regarding audio – video aspects of cinema is very much indulged with the real lives of the public! In the midst of scientific advancements, the real face of the society seems to be lost behind! Evidently, it’s become significant to make the people recognize their true identities and concerns, so that they could meet with their lost individualities, social surroundings and personas again being honest whole – heartedly. That’s why, here comes the picture of national seminar ‘Cinema : Village V/s Global Village ’. It’s not being framed as a program merely, but as a tradition in itself. If through the debate and dialogue, vivid social concerns of entire hindi cinema could be shown to the society, whole humanity will come to know that in the midst of hustle – bustle of life, too much is left beyond, which should be offered a place. Will it remain to be untouched?

We don’t think that what do we impart to our social fabric while taking so much from it? How can we take a step forward towards making our society a better place to be at? Taking these aspects and thoughts in mind, Rajasthan International Film Festival, Jaipur frames this Four days planning of the national seminar. According to various subjects regarding the seminar, the experts are invited with their views and research papers.










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